April 19, 2022

Are You Struggling with Financial Disagreements with Your Partner? Try Couples Therapy

Are You Struggling with Financial Disagreements with Your Partner Try Couples Therapy

Money. We all need it, but some of us spend too much of our time worrying or fighting about it. If your relationship with your partner is taking a turn for the worse because of financial disagreements, it’s time to try couples therapy.

At Thriving Center of Psychology, our highly qualified psychologists believe that couples therapy can help you and your loved one overcome financial struggles. You can also learn how to strengthen your relationship and build a more solid foundation of trust and communication moving forward.

How money can interfere with a relationship

For many couples, money is a big source of conflict, because people have different financial views and goals. Not addressing these differences early in a relationship can set the stage for arguments, self-confidence issues, and perhaps even the end of the partnership.

For example, if you’re a saver — a person who focuses on setting aside as much money as possible for security and peace of mind — but your partner is a spender, money conflicts are sure to come up frequently. Because each person feels strongly about their views on money, it can become increasingly difficult to discuss money issues without argument.

These arguments may also crop up in other areas of your relationship. One fight about money might lead to fights about a hundred other things until you’re no longer able to communicate with each other at all.

With couples therapy, our providers can give you tools to help you and your partner navigate money issues, no matter what they are.

What to expect from couples therapy

Our experienced counselors can help you and your partner identify and solve money issues and also learn how to deal with conflicts later in your relationship.

Getting to know you

During your initial therapy session, our providers will spend time getting to know your relationship history and perceptions about money. With a solid understanding of the viewpoints of you and your partner, our therapists will be better able to provide the right tools and take the right approaches.

Better communication

Our therapists will then give you tools and resources to help you and your partner improve your communication styles. By communicating better, you and your partner can discuss money issues openly and honestly without resorting to heated arguments.

Diving deeper

Our counselors can then work with you both as a couple and through individual sessions to address the financial issues of you and your partner. From financial fears to trust issues to spending habits, we can go over all of it and bring you and your partner to a common understanding and help you and your partner develop a closer relationship.

If you decide to enter couples therapy, you can expect to go to sessions at least once a week for several months. Depending on your situation, you may decide to attend couples therapy for a longer period.

It’s never too late to get your relationship back on track

Learning how to open new lines of communication can have a positive impact on your relationship, even if you feel like your relationship is past the point of no return.

Our team at Thriving Center of Psychology recommends that you schedule a consultation for couples therapy when you can no longer bring up the subject of money without a fight.

We also recommend therapy sessions if you’re personally feeling depressed or frustrated in your relationship because of concerns about finances, cheating, sexual frustration, or other common issues.

Ready to choose your therapist?

It’s not too late to get the help you need to transform your relationship. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with Thriving Center of Psychology today.

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