Therapy Insights
What is Couples Therapy?
Romantic relationships are complex; they need regular maintenance to keep them functioning well. No one relationship is without conflict; from simple misunderstandings to full-blown arguments, it’s an ongoing journey of balance and compromise. Whether you’re stuck in a cycle or feel like you could benefit from a relationship check-up, an unbiased third party can help you take a step forward together.
Can OCD Be Cured?
OCD involves thoughts, feelings, sensations, and behaviors. When you talk about curing OCD, it’s difficult to cure those things as they are part of being a human. OCD is a condition that doesn’t just heal and fix itself. Generally, it cannot be cured completely. However, the good news is that you can get it under control, recover, become present, and live a healthy and happy life.
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
CBT focuses on challenging the way you think. It looks to shift unhelpful thoughts that may contribute to or worsen existing emotional difficulties, like anxiety and depression. While thoughts can feel automatic and engrained in you, it’s possible to change your thinking. Through cognitive behavioral therapy, destructive thoughts are identified, challenged, and eventually replaced with objective and realistic thoughts that influence positive behavior.
Which Generation Struggles to Set Healthy Boundaries the Most?
While many people focus their New Year’s resolutions on losing weight or healthy eating, others want to make 2023 all about setting healthy boundaries. Boundaries are the rules and decisions individuals use to protect themselves.
What is Anger Management?
Anger is a normal healthy human emotion. It’s something we have all felt at some point. Deception, frustration or even someone cutting you off in traffic can leave you feeling angry.
What is Mindfulness and How Can it Help?
For thousands of years, people all over the world have been using meditation for spiritual and religious reasons. Now, meditation and mindfulness are mainstream. Mental health is a huge component of overall health, and many people are struggling with it. The demand for natural coping strategies is at an all-time high.
How Can Solitude and Isolation Affect Your Social Skills
Following the pandemic, people are spending more time at home. Despite the world opening its doors, the COVID-19 crisis has left its mark. With remote working on the rise and a decrease in face-to-face social interactions, how can solitude and isolation after your social skills?