
Is Fear of Flying Keeping You Grounded We Can Help

Is Fear of Flying Keeping You Grounded? We Can Help

Fear of flying, or aviophobia, is estimated to affect up to 40% of the population at some level or another. Some people only have mild generalized anxiety around the idea of getting on a plane and surrendering control, while others have a clinical phobia that renders them almost completely incapable of even entertaining the idea of flight. If you find that your fears are keeping you from living your best life, it might be time to look into therapy.

Why Women are More Prone to Depression and Anxiety and What You Can Do About It

Why Women are More Prone to Depression and Anxiety and What You Can Do About It

When it comes to mental health issues, namely major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder, women outpace men by approximately two to one. The reasons behind this gender gap stem from many influences, including hormonal, emotional, and societal differences.